A sheltered life
can be a daring life as well.
For all serious daring
starts from WITHIN .
Eudora Welty
The Universe gifts me
with courage in all things.
I cherish my own courage.
I salute myself for the brave action
I undertake in my life .
I focus
with clarity and appriciation
on the choices
I have made
which have requiered courage
and selfdetermination .
I applaud myself
for my strength
and my daring.
Rather than belittle myself
for my fears ,
I choose to honor myself
for the bravery
with wich I have often walked
through my fears .
I count back
in specific ways
and enumerate
for myself
of my own courage :
the new friendship
hIave undertaken ,
the steadiness I have shown
in a difficult job ,
the honesty I have displayed
in opening a difficult conversation .
I honor myself
for my bigheartness
in the face of challenges
from which I could have
- but did not -
shrunk back.
My courage
brings blessings to my life.
My courage
blesses the lives of others .
from my favourite book
by Julia Cameron.
Wishing you all moments
to think about YOUR COURAGE !