zaterdag 11 september 2010

* * By surprise * *

So so beautiful .
You have to take a look
and order !
Anna from lillalotta made all these beauties and many more .
Just think what you can do with them
and how many smiles that will bring to many many more .
Have an inspiring weekend

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Francis...these are so pretty! I checked her store and will definitely spend some time looking around!

    I stopped over at Cathy's blog and noticed your comment about fonts...
    I found several here:

    Then you download them to your computer...
    If you're using Google's free software "Picasa" {the downloadable version} for picture editing, these fonts will show up as a choice when you write on your photos and collages.

    They also work in word processing but not when typing in the regular text areas of a blog post...


  2. Oh you are so kind. I am so glad that I had some time to browse my favourite blogs this afternoon. You have totally made my day :) x

  3. Daar zou je toch zo in willen duiken?!!
    Een zalige zondag, lieve Francis xxxx

  4. Een soort walhalla voor liefhebbers van lintjes, geweldig Francis! Ik kan het kraampje op de markt of het winkeltje met de mooie spulletjes én lintjes al nooit weerstaan (een metertje van dit ...en ach...een metertje van dat...)laat staan deze verrukkelijke shop...

  5. Anna's tapes are just delightful! I love her art! xo Paulette
