donderdag 24 oktober 2013

* * * Blessings * * *


is love
The heart 
is also love
and so are you 

My world is filled with graceful love

my path is broad and gentle.
Ours is a journey of shared hearts.
I remind myself that I am
 blessed with friendship ,
gifted with acquaintances 
and associations
who travel with me .
Reminding myself 
that we are all traveling together.
I develop my individuality 
while welcoming the individuality of others.
As much as I yearn to be
truly seen and truly loved ,
I seek to see others truly 
and truly love them.
I offer to those I encounter 
a believing mirror.
I reflect back to them their dignity
their beauty
their potential and divine spark .
Treating all whom I encounter 
with respect and affection,
I allow my heart to be a vessel
for healing love.
Drawing on universal love 
to love through me,
I love freely and without fatigue.
I open my heart to actualizing grace
in each encounter.
I allow Spirit to encounter 
my interactions,
shaping them and leavening them 
to a richer bread.
I am nourished by Spirit 
and through Spirit .
I seek to bless and nourish others by 
expressing Spirit through me .

Julia Cameron .

I have this book 
written by Julia Cameron 
It is a beautiful book 
four in one volume

I fel in love with the book 
because of the LOOK 
It's a 635 pages book
and the paper looks kind of old ......
very beautiful
So ..... I picked it up and 
was surprised 
by what I saw inside ....

I never heard of 
Julia Cameron 
but I bought the book
July 2010
and I am so glad I did .

I refound it 
in my bookcase 
and was taken by the words
all over .
I read and than 
I muse ..... all day
several days 

I love to be inspired 
by beautiful words
from others 

the autumn-sun
is shining warm and beautiful 
and I am counting down
november 5 
my new hip !

happy autumn-days
to all of you 


6 opmerkingen:

  1. I am counting with you, beloved friend. The only way to peace is love, prayer and a connection with the creator...I know. You are so special to many, and know we are thinking of YOU! BE HAPPY! Anita

  2. Oh my how lovely.....what a wonderful book. Oh my friend...I am counting with you too..just like Anita! But first your Birthday celebration! xoxoxo

  3. I have meant to read The Artist's Way for a long time. In December 2011, we were in Santa Fe, New Mexico for Christmas and I picked a book off the shelf of the house we were renting. I thought it was a novel and was enjoying it when the "character" said she went home to tell her mother she had met the man she planned to marry - Martin Scorcese. I knew then that it was an autobiography of Julia Cameron.

    I really need to get a copy of the book and learn from it.

  4. I happened to comment on the day you are getting your new hip, Francis! I must have been thinking of you, dear friend. What a wonderful world we live in.


  5. Just checking in to say hello and wondering how you are.
