woensdag 11 mei 2011

still waiting ........


Time flies


we are all waiting

for the little princess

to be born


one week to go

but you never know


It makes me silent

when I think about

this wonderful miracle.


Wish you all

some miracles .


7 opmerkingen:

  1. a what a sweet wonderful miracle it will be!!!
    much love sweet friend...
    waiting with great anticipation :D

  2. Zo spannend..
    ik ben benieuwd!
    Sterkte met het lange wachten
    en geniet straks met de eerste
    bijzondere momenten met
    dit nieuwe kindje!

  3. Oh I had a feeling that is where you have been!!!! I WILL BE WAITING TO HEAR OF THE LITTLE ANGEL'S ARRIVAL DEAR FRANCIS!!!! Anita

  4. So very exciting my sweet friend.

    I am thinking I am going to send you another parcel...I will pack one up on the weekend and get it to you in the mail...I remember sending the last one from the USA...we live very close and I was down there so thought I would mail it to you...maybe that was the mistake!!! Oh well .....just wait a little longer...something will arrive. {maybe you will get two..yahoo}

    love and hugs .....you enjoy your time...soon to be new grandma! xoxoxox

  5. sweet francis thank you for stopping by
    would you please email me your address
    i would love to send you a new grandma

  6. Oh, wat spannend. 1 week dus dat betekent dat het of leievr gezegd 'zij' ieder moment geboren kan worden maar dat het ook nog wel 3 weken kan duren....bijna-oma!
    Lieve groetjes

  7. Hi Francis! I'm so glad you received your package! Yea for the post!
    The bibs are for later on... You can keep them at grandmother's house for those special visits :o)
    Blessings to you and your growing family ♥ much joy to you always*
